Wednesday, June 10, 2009

End of the Year

This year in Mary Ward was sweet. The best course i had was the media arts. The different stuff that i learned, photo shop, Illustrator,Movie Maker, and blogging were all really cool. This is definitely stuff that i will remember and probably use after high school in university. The course, students and teachers are all great. The only thing that needs improving is the COMPUTERS. They are so slow and the programs are sometimes none responsive. For such a good course they needs to be a upgrade. My personal assignments i enjoyed making. My collage was the only piece i regret, everything else was really good. The multiple exposure the questing and the Movies were all very educational and entertaining. This was definitely one of my favourite courses that i have ever picked. That's why i took it next year too.

Blog Reponses

Arvin- Colossal U ad
Nykosi- Campaign Trail
Tracy- Everything is Amazing and nobody's happy
Yuri- Gaming gone Wild
Denzel- Gaming gone wild
Sam- Campaign Trail

They wrote some good stuff.

Eccentrick and amazing...

This year's art show was definitely one to remember. There were so many awesome pieces to see. They all looked like everyone worked hard. My favourite piece of art had to be the grade ten's vectors of celebrities. They definitely went along with the show's theme and showed some really great colors and variety. They were very well done and you can tell people worked hard by the amount of detail in their patterns. The overall show was cool. The Tech area with the carpet ride and helmets were nice and the stop motion video was really cool. This show would definitely be accounted as one of the top Mary Ward shows because of the hard work and dedication that everyone put into the show. Even though the teachers were stressed before the show took place they were happy with the result and who wouldn't. The art work was put up on time and people were very eager to help out. They saw the pride that the students took in their work and the work of their peers and it was really cool. This was definitely a great art show and i feel sorry for those who missed it.

Gaming gone Wild

That is the last straw gaming has gone way to far. When kids leave home after getting their Xbox taken away then something is really wrong. Parents need to put there kids in check when it comes to gaming. Last year i spent my entire weekend playing Halo 3 and my marks starting getting worse. My parents saw this and took away my Xbox. What did i do? I worked my butt off in school and got it back. Now i haven't played it for like six months and it just sits there in my closet collecting dust. It is up to parents to stop gaming from taking away their child's freedoms. No more staying up all night playing games, or not eating because your busy. Force your kids outside and they will thank you when they are older. Don't buy them that new system or game if their grades are low. Don't fall for the after this level or when i kill this. Stand firm and stop the gaming from going wild. Make them read a book, or play sports. It is up to the parents to raise their child to a proper adult not the tv and their friends. Spend more time with outside then gaming and it will never go wild.

Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy

The guy is so very right when it comes to the marvels that it took us centuries to make that we now take so much for granted its sickening. I totally agree with everything he said except of the part with the donkey. People take all of todays absoultly incredible inventions and treat them like they are nothing. If we start to complain about the stuff we have now then we need to step back and take a look at what it does and how it got there. People complain about flying but if you look at it you are flying though the air faster then a car and you get to sit down and eat a meal. So what if you have to wait a 2 hours. I asked my dad on how life was like when he was my age. He told me that he had to walk to school about and the newest and most amazing thing back then was comics. I think about how we complain about the video games graphics and movies being cheesy, then i think about reading comics and playing pong and which i would prefer. It really makes me appreciate what i have. I think we should appreciate what we have. They should make a place where parents can show their kids how things were when they were kids. I guarantee that that would stop any complaints any has about the technology of today, because it truly is amazing so we all should be happy.

Cell Phones

The Cell Phone...
One of mankind's greatest inventions next to the light bulb and the car. This great invention to communicate with other people has many a conflict around it. Does it cause brain tumors? Is it being monitored by the Government. Today i write to you about the rules around the cell phone. Yes rules, we have rules for almost everything else so why not the phone? The light bulb goes off when the sun is out, and the car has to go a certain speed. The cell phone has rules as well. Not as clearly defined and obeyed as the other rules but it does have rules. I have picked and written what i think are the 5 most important rules for the cell phone and cell phone use.

Rule Number 1. Never talk or text with your phone at the dinner table. When you eating out eating in, never use your phone at the table.

Rule Number 2. Never talk or text on your phone while driving a car. Finally the government sees this as a hazard and now this is ILLEGAL.

Rule Number 3. Never use your phone or even have it on when attending church or any other important place like school. If you do have it on and get a call it better be an emergency.

Rule Number 4. When you are on the phone please do not talk loud or blast your music.No one wants to hear what your talking about or what music your listening to.

Rule Number 5. I find this rule to be most important. Never and i mean never answer your phone or text or call someone in the Movie theater. I hate when this happens it can ruin the whole movie and screw up the atmosphere that took hours to develop.

Those are my cell phone rules.

Colossal Campaign what a pain

I found this ad campaign very interesting. It makes you think about the ways that the educational institutions are really up to. The idea of a place that conforms all of its students to the same mold is very appalling. All students should be not be the same but be equals. We should all be different and respect one another and all of our differences. Though variety and difference is how we survive. If we were all the same life would not be as fun as it is. If we all did the same things we would all end up in the same jobs and houses and places. We would have no need to even talk to one another because we know that they did the exact same thing as us. No one wants to treated like a number because that is just wrong and very boring. I believe that the differences that we all have compared to one another make us all who we are and should not be changed and i don't care who says that they should. If a place like this actually existed then all of our creative and fun days would be numbered, just like we would be. This ad is just stupid because why would anyone even look into going to a place like this. This university reminds me of the military because of the way that they treat people as numbers. I would never go to a place like this and i think that the ad is stupid and boring.